Archives For van gogh

Old Tower In the Fields by Vincent van Gogh, 1884

Old Tower In the Fields by Vincent van Gogh, 1884

“Breakfast In The Temple” is a “How to Book” on Christian Meditation. If you are a site subscriber or happen upon this website, could you please choose from these two covers or choose the third option, “neither”!  Thank you, I  truly appreciate it.Breakfast in the Temple Covers

The cover art is from a 1884 oil painting on canvas by Vincent van Gogh.

Van Gogh’s work (especially from the year 1890)  is heavily featured in Breakfast in The Temple.

The cover painting is  from van Gogh’s  “softer” period when he was living in Nuenen, the Netherlands.  The subject, the tower-church,  was a favorite subject  of van Gogh’s when he was living in Nuenen (1883-1885).  He painted or sketched the tower often from different perspectives with a variety of detail.

The “yellow” cover has been enchanced.The orange cover is a copy of the original artwork.

There are those who believe that the yellow cover is more optimistic i.e. “sunnier”. They also believe it is more graphically gripping. Black and yellow combined carries a certain visual alchemy.

On the other hand, the original orange is the way van Gogh had conceived it; others also say that the orange cover carries more mystery.

The “Breakfast In The Temple” cover will be both for the e-book and the hard copy of the book. Of course, my interest is to create a cover that will be pleasing to a potential reader: one that will be arresting as a thumbprint on Amazon as well as a cover  in a book store.The digital files  for an e-book are easy to change. The hard copy editions are a bit more complicated and involve a series of proofs. Obviously, the best thing is to go with a”permanent version” that will not need to be changed in the short-term.

In any event, this is a first for me. Again, thank you for your help and I will be blogging about the maker culture process and progress here over the next weeks.