Archives For Presence Of God

Breakfast In the Temple

March 22, 2013
Old Tower In the Fields by Vincent van Gogh, 1884

Old Tower In the Fields by Vincent van Gogh, 1884

“Breakfast In The Temple” is a book I wrote which will be coming out in a few weeks. It is a self-help book,  of sorts, on Christian meditation. It features an eleven-step-methodology on the Practice Of The Presence of God. It was originally written for a friend of mine who lost her husband to tragic circumstance. I thought it would be helpful for her to pray in this particular way to aid  her,   not only in her grief but in her  shock.

Years ago, I became fascinated with praying in a fresh, yet  biblical fashion that incorporated a gentle, quiet approach to prayer. I co-wrote and co-directed  those  results  as a DVD which was released by “Fox Faith” ( at the time a division of 20th Century) entitled Be Still. (“Be Still and Know That I am God.” Psalm 46-10).

The DVD  program was  successful. It featured such Christian thought-leaders as Dallas Willard, Max Lucado, Beth Moore, and Henry Cloud. It was a helpful  but not rich enough in methodology. It focused almost entirely on an ancient method of prayer called  Lectio Divina …which was a reciting of Bible verse again and again.

While most of the reviews on Amazon were 5 star and many people found the program useful and transformative, Be Still was incomplete. This new book goes much deeper and makes the process simple and understandable. Over the last few years, I have worked with various test groups to make the “Practice of the Presence of God”  successful for individuals.  While the brilliant early works of pathfinders in this quiet practice such as  Brother Lawrence and Teresa of Avila stand; Breakfast defines a scripted process that is  simple to replicate, and powerful because of it’s attentiveness to the  Presence of the Holy Spirit.

I hope my Blog subscribers will be patient with me as I launch this book based on John 21:12. (“Come and have Breakfast.”  Jesus said.).  I hope to provide helpful tips to the  internet information pool on  DIY “Maker Culture” and the world of publishing.