Archives For holy spirit

The Holy Spirit gets short shrift in the modern era. Yet, the Holy Spirit is a remarkable gift, is actually a person. And if you invite Him into your life through Jesus, He will actually indwell within you!

Black or white, male or female, wealthy or poor — He doesn’t care. He doesn’t love you as the world might love you, because of your achievement, power, or riches — He loves you because you are a child of God. What an incredible, life-giving concept! Jesus said that we will never be alone, for the Holy Spirit is a “comforter”, and a “counselor” to all people.

The venerable Harvard University founded by John Harvard  as a college in 1636  train pastors. Today, the Harvard Divinity school recognizes “Universality” over one faith, or one God, or, the God of the Bible.

This is so clearly stated with the modern emblem of Harvard University. Here’s my show and tell.


The Old Harvard Shield

The Third Book represents the Knowledge that can only be achieved through the Holy Spirit

Look at the three books: The two books facing up  represent the knowledge that man can achieve. The third book is turned down. See the binding in the middle?  It signifies  the knowledge that man can achieve only through the revelation of the Holy Spirit.



The Harvard University Shield in David Kirkpatrick's Travels in Transmedia

The New Harvard Shield Introduced for Harvard’s 375 Anniversary in 2011. The representation of the Holy Spirit has been removed.


The Holy Spirit has been stripped from the shield.  The three books are now all turned upward. They collectively represent the knowledge and “Truth”  that man  can accomplish on his own. God has been invited out.

Now I am not going to talk today about how the Harvard MBA program brought America to its financial knees because it put meritocracy over all other consideration, or the 2012 cheating scandal at Harvard University Government class where 120 students, including the Captains of the basketball team were implicated. Instead, it is Sunday and I am going to focus on “the things above” and to restoration.

Billy Graham’s daughter, Anne Graham Lotz, said this:  “God is a gentlemen… Americans in a sense have shaken their fist at God and said, ‘God, we want you out of our schools, our government, our business, we want you out of our marketplace.’  And God, who is a gentleman, has just quietly backed out of our national and political life, our public life, removing his hand of blessing and protection. We need to turn to God first of all and say, ‘God, we’re sorry we have treated you this way and we invite you now to come into our national life. We put our trust in you.’ … and God, who is a gentleman shall return to us.”