Archives For Christianity

That Shamrock Idea…

March 9, 2013
The Duchess of Cambridge wearing a corsage featuring the brand of the Trinity

The Duchess of Cambridge wearing a corsage featuring the brand of the Trinity

My Good Portion (*),

I am delighted to report that faith is alive and well in the place you call “earth”!

On other planets in the heavenly spheres, — as you know – not so hot.

But, LORD, how you love mankind!

As you know, My Stainless Simplicity, you gave me a nice break!

I have been asleep in “earth terms” for 1400 years, which, for you, is but a blink of your mighty eye!

But ,Thanks,  LORD, I really needed that respite!

Anyways, I have some super exciting news!

That  shamrock idea you came up with is really paying off!

Everywhere I turn, I see it!

I remember before I went off for that long winter’s nap, how you put that idea on Maewyn‘s heart. (**)

He would go to Ireland and speak about your Glory. People could understand the mystery of the Trinity through the one shamrock  which had three distinct and separate leaves – i.e. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit! And he would convert all of Ireland to people who loved Jesus!

St Patrick Shamrock Image


That was genius , LORD! Really, My Perfect Charity, genius!

 Anyways, just like you said, you are being lifted up by all the faithful!

Travels in Transmedia

Lord, did you not say that your Spirit would be poured out?

Did you not say that  the little children should come near?

Did you not say that  all you commanded was two things, to love God and to love each other?

Travels in Transmedia

My Beloved Beautiful Beyond All Men,  people seem to be listening!

They seem to be singing and dancing and carrying on in the name of the blessed Trinity!

Now, I have only observed  the world for five minutes but I thought you would delight in my initial  perspective!

I will report back once I have had a closer look.

Your favorite angel,




* The various names for God are taken from Anselm’s Book Of Meditation and Prayers.Anselm was known as the “Archbishop of Canterbury in the 12th Century.

** Maewyn Succat is the birth name of the man who became known as “Saint Patrick” who lived in the 5th century.