Archives For Artists of God

The 2013 Infograhic from Intel, the Company co-founded by Gordon Moore

The 2013 Infograhic from Intel, the Company co-founded by Gordon Moore, author of “Moore’s Law”

Moore’s Law is on schedule. This appears to be the case based on the new infograph (above)  released by Intel this month.

In his legendary paper of 1965, Gordon Moore,  the founder of Intel, says that by the end of this decade (2020) , we will have reached maximum chip-computer power.  Under “Moore’s Law”, the computer chip continues to grow smaller and stronger. In fact, every 18 months to 24 months, computer power and speed will double over the previous time period until the end of this decade.

Do you ever wonder why everything has become so fast?

That’s Moore’s Law being fulfilled.

The chip-world is becoming a  layer of ubiquitous artificial intelligence across everything.

Everything? Yes, computing power continues to spill out of the traditional hub of computing (i.e. the traditional  “desktop”)  into tables, tablets, eyewear, cars, wallets, keys, fabrics, clothes, hearts, medicines…you.

In a way, it is moving so fast that we can not research it fully or regulate it. Heck, even now we can’t see it. The chips are becoming  undetectable to the human eye.

This  “invisible” layer is  known as the Metaverse”.

Not much is really known about the Metaverse’s  impact, long term.  Only the artists and poets have really imagined it. You can see it unfold in the works of Philip K Dick and Arthur C Clarke. What does it mean to them?

Gordon Moore in the Mad Men days at the time of his mythic "Moore's Law" paper of 1965

Gordon Moore in the Mad Men days at the time of his mythic “Moore’s Law” paper of 1965

Well, it isn’t necessarily great for the quality of life when we look at the fictions.  In two of the many movies based on Phillip K Dick’s work, Blade Runner and Minority Report, let’s just say  the heroes, Harrison Ford and Tom  Cruise, wind up running away from it….into the natural country that has not yet been touched by it.

What comes after chip-computing reaches its max in 2020, according to Moore’s Law? Well, again, no one really can tell a layman/ludiite like me . Experts say it’s quantum computing.

However, no one, at this point, only 7 years away, can really tell us what  “quantum” really means or looks like. So I guess this is a shout-out to the poets and artists who can tell us.  Perhaps, then the scientists might be able to articulate it.

This year (2013) , Intel announced its next-generation communications platform, codenamed “Crystal Forest.”

This  chip-based platform will boost performance and beef up network security to handle the increasing network traffic in the encroaching metaverse.

Please note: it’s  a crystal forest….not a forest of maples, elms and birch. That’s because  Harrison Ford and Tom Cruise have already put a stake on them.

Here's one of the last physical copies of TIME Magazine from 2011. In the beginning of  2013, TIME went digital.

Here’s one of the last physical copies of TIME Magazine from 2011. In the beginning of 2013, TIME went digital.

David Kirkpatrick’s  book, Artists of God: Jesus and the Green Fairy –  A History Of The Modern Christian Artist  will be published in October of this year.