Archives For Compassion

The National Compassion Fund: Bringing Peace in a Time of Anguish

The National Compassion Fund: Bringing Peace in a Time of Anguish

Families need our help in time of crisis. Often we reach into our pockets and do what we can to help alleviate  the pain. It doesn’t  matter what faith we practice or our color, our gender,  our politics, we  simply want to help.

Unfortunately, there have been several crises where our active compassion has been called upon: Sandy Hook, Aurora, Columbine, 9/11, Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University and others.

In the aftermath of the Aurora incident, I was asked to make a contribution for funeral costs to a family of one of the girls who had been killed in theatre nine. I was happy to make a donation.  I  was blown away by the  grieving Father  who sent me a hand-written   thank you note. I saw how my contribution  had impacted a family in need.

The National Compassion Fund is  being constituted to help families. It is being established by 64 families and individuals who lost loved ones during recent tragedies including Aurora and Sandy Hook.

Significant giving in the past has never reached the victims’ families. By example, a  United Way fund of some 10 million dollars was raised for Sandy Hook and yet, none of that money has yet been disbursed to  the grieving families four months later.

What I like about this fund is that it is being established by families who have gone through this suffering experience and know the pitfalls of the process. They have an active compassion to change-up  disbursement in a way that will maximize efficiency and get the resources to people  when and where they are needed most.

Their aim is to create a   fund established in excellence  that helps victims and their families in urgent need.

Please sign this petition  of support so this fund can be established  with the right protocols it place. It only takes a minute of your time. There is no financial pledge involved.

Please click on this link to sign this petition established by 64 families of the victims. Their goal is 100,000 signatures by April 24th, They need your voice. Thank you.