Archives For letter

The Future

I received an email to my Gmail account yesterday. It was from an email address I didn’t recognize. It was from Future Me.

As  I digitally tossed it into junk mail,  I realized it was from myself.

It was from past me to future me.

It was  dated December 31, 2010 — New Years’ Eve of two years ago.

I apparently had too much to drink and I wrote myself an email of encouragement, exoneration and inspiration. It was delivered on the request date of two years and ten days later, “to be able to check backwitchya on the most recent developments”. Surprisingly, I found it helpful and rather funny in that “day after way” — except it had been many days,  I printed out the email and stuck it on the wall to remind me of where I had been and where I was going.

I am writing this blog to encourage you to try it. Future me is a free service and it takes 30 seconds to register. You can register here.

And you don’t have to be necessarily inebriated to enjoy it now or…when you get that email  in the future.

And since, this is a time when we might still be reflective because of the New Years, this might be a  good time to give it a whirl.

As the website says:

“So send your future self some words of inspiration. Or maybe give ’em a swift kick in the pants. Or just share some thoughts on where you’ll or what you’ll be up to in a year, three years…more? And then we’ll do some time travel magic and deliver the letter to you. Future You, that is.”

Getting a surprise from the past is actually kind of an amazing thing – just check out all the people on Twitter and Facebook that agree.