For July 4th, Talking Pucks….

July 2, 2012
Talking Puck Hits The Urinal

The Talking Puck Hits The Urinals in Michigan…

As Moore’s Law  continues to advance —

— computing technology continues to grow faster, smaller and more powerful. Computing Technology is leaping onto surfaces, clothes and now, yes, even urinals.

Michigan hopes to keep drunks off the road this July 4th with the help from a special message in men’s bathrooms featuring an attention-getting woman’s voice.

According to The Detroit News, 400 talking cakes have been sent to 200 restaurants and bars across Michigan.

Some of the pucks deliver this message: “Listen up. That’s right, I’m talking to you. Had a few drinks? Maybe a few too many? Then do yourself and everyone else a favor: Call a sober friend or a cab. Oh, and don’t forget to wash your hands.”

The messages are part of a statewide Fourth of July education and enforcement effort.

“Not only do we want to turn some heads and get people talking, we hope everyone takes the message to heart,” Michael L. Prince, director of the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning, said in a statement.

Marcel Duchamp’s 1917 “Fountain” changed the modern art world scene forever. The scandalous work was a porcelain urinal which was signed “R.Mutt” and titled Fountain.

I wonder what Marcel Duchamp —

–would create at a time like this, perhaps “Talking Fountain”.

Marcel Duchamp and his scandalous, “Fountain.”

The pucks are activated by motion, not moisture.

They cost $21 each and last about three months.

The manufacturer of this new transmedia platform  is aptly named “Wizmark”.